
Diindolylmethane side effects
Diindolylmethane side effects

diindolylmethane side effects

Well that all changed after this supplement. No digestive issues I rarely had headaches, never had any stomach flues or viruses, heart burn, anxiety, etc.


Prior to this I lived a pain free life with zero sensitivities to food and could eat whatever I wanted to and feel fine. I had seen some articles about it online, and there were numerous positive reviews online (I didn’t read any of the negatives, which there were enough of). So I wanted to try another approach to resolving the acne. But the jawline/cheek acne always flared back up after a few years off Accutane. It only eliminated my standard acne (T zone, chest, back). The Accutane would make it stop for a few years but then it would return. I have tried antibiotics, topicals, as well as Accutane three times. I tried it because I've had issues with cystic acne my entire life which never really resolved. That month I tried an herbal supplement called Royal Maca + DIM. I'm desperately looking for a way to reverse this. I feel that the hormone change from this supplement changed my period and also triggerred the food sensitivities and they are some how connected. How can I reverse the effects of the DIM? I am 41 yrs old. Apparently after reading more about the supplement its for people with estrogen excess which i don't think I had. Ever since then it's been a train wreck of symptoms which now are food sensitivities to many foods (oxalate, salicylate, or histamines not sure exactly which) and my period went from 5 days to 2.5-3 days since taking the DIM, so it has done something to my hormones.

diindolylmethane side effects

Hello - I tried a supplement called DIM to help with hormonal acne.

Diindolylmethane side effects